The Collegium Internationale Allergologicum invites members, candidates and sponsored non-members to submit abstracts for review for poster or oral presentation. The following guidelines address key factors that the Organizing Committee considers when reviewing abstracts. Attention to these details will assist the Committee in making their decision.
- Abstracts must contain original data and meet international ethical standards.
- Abstracts should contain a concise statement of the problem under investigation; describe experimental methods used; contain specific findings and data (promises such as “the results to be completed” are not appropriate); and contain conclusions based on the data presented (statistical analyses should be used when appropriate to support the conclusions).
- Case reports that include findings that are significant and have applied appropriate statistical and analytical methods will be considered for presentation. All other case reports will not be accepted for oral or poster presentation
- Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract.
- The first letter of each word within the abstract title must be capitalized.
- Abstract body text is limited to 350 words (not including title, authors and grant support).
- The abstract must be written and presented in English.
- References (maximum of 2) can be included in the body of the text.
- Standard abbreviations may be employed in the text. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full wording at the first time the full wording appears in the body of the text.
- Non-proprietary (generic) names of drugs, written in lower case, are required at the first mention of a drug.
- Trade names are not allowed.
- For each co-author you will need: full name, designation/degree, email, country, institution/affiliation.
- Please ensure all email addresses for all authors are correct.
- Submitters may revisit the site as often as necessary to edit the submission (finalized or not) at any time before 31 May 2025.
Abstract Organization Example
A) Background: A statement of purpose of the study (preferably one sentence).
B) Methods: A brief statement of the methods used. For abstracts reporting clinical research, a sentence or phrase presenting the most important selection criteria for subjects should be included.
C) Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail with statistical analysis to support the conclusions.
D) Conclusions: A statement of the conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state, "the results will be discussed," or "other data will be presented," etc.
Grant Support: Please include as appropriate.
By submitting, authors are agreeing that at least one abstract author will attend the meeting for which the submission is accepted and will be available to present on the date and at the time assigned by the organizing committees. Authors will be notified of presentation times at the time of or shortly after notification of acceptance and are expected to make appropriate travel arrangements to ensure that at least one of the authors will be in attendance. In addition, Presenting Authors are expected to register to attend the meetings for which they are accepted by 1 September 2025. Submissions for which an author is not pre-registered by 1 September 2025 will automatically be withdrawn from the program.
Oral Presentation Cancellation Policy
Authors unable to present their paper in person should inform CIA as soon as possible which co-author will present in their place. If no one is able to present the paper, please inform CIA by 1 August 2025, so an alternate paper can be substituted. Presenting Authors must be registered to attend the meeting by 1 September 2025 or their abstract may be withdrawn from the program.
Poster Cancellation Policy
At least one author or co-author for a Poster is expected to register to attend the meeting by 1 September 2025. If this author cancels their registration prior to the meeting, the Poster may be withdrawn from the program.
Abstract presenters are responsible for arranging and paying for their own registration, travel and hotel arrangements.
Encore Abstracts
Previously published abstracts will NOT be considered.
All Presenting Authors will be notified via email of the status of their submission(s). In the event that notification is not received, please contact info@ciaweb.org.
Important Dates
17 February 2025
Abstract Submission Open
March 2025
Registration Open
31 May 2025
Abstract Submission Deadline
30 June 2025
Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline
27 - 31 October 2025
34th Biennial Symposium