Collegium Internationale Allergologicum Donation Form

Alain L. de Weck Travel Grant Fund
When donating to the Alain L. de Weck Travel Grant Fund, you are directly supporting young scientists with exceptional abstracts, easing the financial challenges of attending the Biennial Symposium. Your contribution empowers the next generation of researchers to participate in this invaluable gathering.

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Individuals choosing to support CIA will be recognized on the CIA website and during the Biennial Symposium. Donations can be made anonymously if desired.

CIA is registered as a 501(c)(3) corporation in the United States. Contributions to CIA are tax deductible in the United States to the full extent allowed by law. CIA Tax ID: 39-1967102

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The Collegium Internationale Allergologicum gratefully acknowledges the following companies for their support and membership on the CIA Corporate Advisory Council.

Platinum Member

Sanofi Regeneron logo

Gold Member

Blueprint Medicines logo

Silver Member

Om Pharma logo

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