

Article 1.
The Collegium shall be called the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum. It is an international Allergologicum. It is an international group for the study of scientific and clinical problems in allergy and related branches of medicine and immunology. The Collegium aims to promote the humble spirit of scientific enquiry, friendly co-operation, good fellowship and professional relationships in the field of allergy.

Article 2.
The Collegium shall hold symposia and meetings, and shall foster its objects in any other way it considers proper.

Article 3.
Membership of the Collegium shall be obtainable only by invitation from the Council, and the total number of members of the Collegium shall be restricted.

Article 4.
When a member reaches the age of 70 he shall be appointed Corresponding Member and he retains all the rights and privileges of ordinary membership but his place becomes available for the election of new members.

Article 5.
Longstanding individual members of the CIA who have achieved seniority by virtue of retirement, and who have the extraordinary respect of their peers for their special scientific contributions, will be offered Honorary membership. There will be a maximum of ten Honorary Members at any one time. Such members shall be entitled to have their membership and meeting registration fees waived. Honorary members should be proposed and seconded, in the same manner as for other categories of membership, and be subject to approval by formal voting at an Annual General Meeting.

The Collegium Internationale Allergologicum gratefully acknowledges the following companies for their support and membership on the CIA Corporate Advisory Council.

Platinum Member

Sanofi Regeneron logo

Gold Member

Blueprint Medicines logo

Silver Member

Om Pharma logo

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